We want to help you reduce your fears. To this end, we at INTERSOM Cologne have combined high scientific and medical technology standards with a comfortable ambience. Naturally, we work with the latest generation of patient-friendly so-called “wireless” night measurements (polysomnography).
Modern science distinguishes more than 80 kinds of sleep disorders. So that we can treat each individual as optimally as
possible, we set up three departments in our sleep medicine center, accredited by the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (DGSM), includes:
How to find us:
INTERSOM Cologne is located in the heart of Cologne and is only a few minutes drive from Cologne Cathedral and the main railway station. It is in a quiet, central, easily accessible location:
The issue of healthy versus unhealthy sleep is becoming increasingly important in our 24/7 society. Almost every tenth adult has difficulties falling asleep or sleeping through the night (insomnia), and almost every second adult complains of occasional “social jetlag” in which their circadian rhythm is disrupted by shift work or chronobiologically unfavorable leisure activities. Approximately 15 percent report increased daytime fatigue of unclear origin.
In addition, many are dissatisfied with the quality of their sleep despite sufficient rest periods. Others suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, but play down their constant feeling of exhaustion and conceal it from their doctor. Still others have unspecific symptoms and—despite repeated visits to the doctor—the actual trigger, the underlying sleep disorder, remains undetected or misinterpreted for a long time. Last but not least, there are patients who exhibit a sleep disorder that requires treatment but do not see a specialist because they allegedly do not notice any symptoms.